Norfolk House Nursery in Newport – Our Education Programme

Norfolk House Nursery adheres to the seven areas of learning relevant to the Foundation Phase. The children will experience a planned play based curriculum based on independent and adult led activities. These experiences may take place indoors and/or outdoors and will aim to develop knowledge, skills and understanding in the following areas:

Knowledge and understanding of the world

At Norfolk House, children are encouraged to be curious, ask questions, experiment and solve problems to help them make sense of the world they live in. A variety of practical experiences build the foundation for later learning about:

● Science          ● History
● Design           ● Geography
● Technology    ● Religious Education
● Information and communication technology

Each child can experience a variety of materials which extend their experiences of sound, touch, taste and sight.

Personal and Social Development, Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity

This area focuses on how children respond to and co-operate with each other outside the family environment. Emphasis is placed on the importance of personal, social, moral and spiritual development including developing a positive sense of themselves and an awareness of the needs and feelings of others.

Language, Literacy and Communication Skills

Children are supported to develop skills in talking and listening, reading and writing. They are introduced to a rich learning environment where these skills are valued. Every day situations such as dressing up, shopping, walking to nursery provide a rich context within which to encourage conversation about things that are happening around them.

Mathematical Development

Mathematical understanding is developed through a variety of practical activities based on every day situations. Children are supported to develop mathematical ideas and use related vocabulary while taking part in sorting, matching, ordering, counting, working with numbers, shapes and measures.

Physical Development

Young children are supported to develop physical control, co- ordination and manipulation, confidence and ability to move in different ways and handle large and small equipment. Children learn how their bodies work and how to stay active, safe and healthy.

Creative Development

This area of learning focuses on developing children’s ability to express ideas and feelings in a creative way. It includes a wide range of experiences in art, craft, music, dance, story making and imaginative play. This area makes a strong contribution to children’s cultural awareness and social development.

Welsh Language Development

This area of learning focuses on children learning to use and communicate in Welsh to the best of their ability. Skills are developed through communicating in a range of enjoyable, practical planned activities.

These seven areas of learning are of equal importance and through activities and experiences children learn and develop in a holistic manner.

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